Is a 50/50 Possession Schedule Right for You?
I constantly have clients ask me about a 50/50 possession schedule. Many divorcing parents feel they should be entitled to see their children at least half of the time. Most of them are surprised when I tell them this is not necessarily the case. Courts determine parents’ possession schedules based on what they feel is […]
How to Make Divorce Easier For Your Children
If you’ve read my Throwback Thursday posts, you know that divorce has been around a long time. But when it is your divorce and your children, it really doesn’t matter how many other people have been through the same situation; you just want to know that your children are going to be okay. So how […]
Marriages Dissolve, But Parenting Partnerships Are ‘to Death Do Us…
Just because you are divorced does not mean you are rid of your ex. Dr. Jamie Williamson, Family Mediator and President of Amity Mediation Workshop, recently wrote an article for the Huffington Post discussing how even when marriages dissolve, co-parenting never ends. Parents choose the path they go down with their former spouse during divorce and that path can have […]
Family Law Hearsay and Heresy
* Not surprisingly, a guy that calls himself Turd Flinging Monkey does not have evolved views on marriage. (TheFederalist) * Ciara Loses Big to Future in Custody War (TMZ) * How Divorce Can Impact Your Estate Plan (NationalLawReview) * Boy meets girl. Boy and girl get married. Girl sends texts on wedding […]
Oversharing On Facebook? It Can Cost You in a Texas Divorce
“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” – Mark Twain Even though Mark Twain died more than a century ago, these words are just as relevant, if not more, than they were when they were spoken. The problem […]