What Happens When Community Funds are Wasted?
When a divorce is final, the Court divides up the community estate between the parties in a just and right manner. Typically, it divides the community property as it exists on the date of divorce. However, this is not always the case. For example, what is a spouse disposed of community property right before filing […]
My Divorce is Final – What Do I Do Now?
Divorce can be a long process. If the case is heavily litigated, it can take more than a year. I have even seen some cases take four or five years. In my experience, a lot of clients going through a divorce get so caught up in the process and getting the settlement or trial outcome […]
When the Engagement is Called Off, Who Gets the Ring?
Boy meets girl. Boy and girl fall in love. Boy buys an expensive engagement ring and proposes, to which girl says yes. Before the wedding, boy and girl break up and boy wants ring back. Girl refuses to give it back. Who is entitled to it? According to an article by Maryanne Garvey, this is […]
Family Law Hearsay and Heresy
The latest in Family Law headlines from around the world: * The continued saga of Real Housewives divorces: (NYMag) *Forbes “Richest man in Russia” in a £10Billion asset fight, has all the makings of one of the worlds biggest divorce battles: (DailyMail) *A U.S. court ordered a Russian woman, arrested in a child-custody battle, to […]
Family Law Hearsay and Heresy
* Not surprisingly, a guy that calls himself Turd Flinging Monkey does not have evolved views on marriage. (TheFederalist) * Ciara Loses Big to Future in Custody War (TMZ) * How Divorce Can Impact Your Estate Plan (NationalLawReview) * Boy meets girl. Boy and girl get married. Girl sends texts on wedding […]